Karen was riding her Vespa through the streets one afternoon. It was a lovely day and she was feeling happy because she was dancing the cancan with her friends that evening. She stopped at a crossing when she heard a shriek from across the road. It was her friend Anna, waving for her to pull over.
They hugged and patted each other’s bottoms as they usually did in the group when they met up. Anna was another cancan dancer although she was not performing tonight.
Anna was excited: she could be quite mischievous, like the time she smacked a bunny on Ava's bottom with her hand when she had forgotten to put on her bunny panties.

Karen parked the Vespa as Anna wanted her to go with her. They arrived at a large building and Anna took her around the back.
"This is my old college. I left it in a hurry some months back but I did not have time to get stuff from my locker. It will still be there. I am the only one with the key," she said, holding it up for Karen to see.
"Why wait so long?" asked Karen, not at all sure about this adventure.
"I couldn't be bothered at the time, but yesterday I remembered something that I wanted now. I was hoping to find someone to come in with me and here you are!"
"I am not sure about this: suppose we get caught," said Karen looking worried.
"It is a Saturday: no-one will be there."
"So how do we get in?"
"There is an old ventilator shaft that leads to a grill in the hall. We can use that. Come on!"
Karen was still not sure but she followed her friend until they came to a grill in the wall.
Anna took out a screwdriver from her dress pocket and had the grill off the wall in a couple of minutes.
"That was quick!" said Karen, very impressed.
"Right, in we go: it is only twenty yards to the hall. I'll go first: you follow!"

Anna crawled into the grill and Karen followed. It was not very high so they had to crawl along with their elbows down at the front and their bottoms up in the air at the back.
Karen followed Anna's sexy bottom for five minutes until she disappeared: she had fallen into the hall. Karen did likewise. They stood up and dusted themselves off.
"The lockers are just through that door. The other door leads to the front street so we can go out that way."
They had just reached the first door when they heard heavy footsteps coming towards them. Anna peeked through the glass window of the door.
"It's the caretaker! What's he doing here on a Saturday?"
"Never mind what he's doing," Karen replied, "let's get out of here fast!"
They turned and ran towards the other door, looking over their shoulders as they went. The first door was opening and the caretaker was coming through.
They reached the front door. Disaster. It was locked and padlocked: No way through!
"What are you two doing here?" growled the caretaker as he strode over to them. He was a big man with large hands and strong arms. "You're trespassing! Come over here."
They did as he said and they stood in front of him, arms behind them and tried to smile.
"I'm going to give you both a spanking as a lesson!"
Anna and Karen gulped and looked at each other in horror. A spanking! They usually gave those to the younger members of the group when they were naughty. Now they were to be spanked on their own bottoms.
"Fetch that chair from over there," the caretaker ordered. Anna brought the chair over and he placed it by his side. Without further ado, he told her to bend over, pull up her skirt and place her hands on the seat of the chair with her bottom in easy reach.
"Ten for you!"
The first whack from his strong hand made a loud crack as it hit Anna's bottom.
"Owww!" she cried, closing her eyes.
After the next three, Anna’s bottom was turning pink.
After the next three it was turning red.
By the time of the ninth smack, Anna's bottom was getting redder and she was crying.
Whack! Number ten.
"Oh oh oh, my bottom is on fire!"
"Get up and stand over there with your back to us and your dress up so that we can see your punishment!" Anna did as she was told, still crying quietly.
The caretaker turned to Karen.
"As the older girl, you should be more responsible so you will get fifteen smacks!"
Karen gasped. Fifteen! Her bottom would be stinging for days. Silly Anna getting her into such trouble! She bent over the chair and lifted her skirt.
"Aaoow, that hurts!"
Five whacks later and her bottom was already turning red as was her face at the embarrassment of it all.
"Owowowow! That’s stinging!"
By the time of the fourteenth whack, Karen’s bottom was red all over and she too was crying with the pain.
"Aaaargh, my bottom is on fire too!"
"Stand by your friend and wait there for a few minutes as a further punishment."
Karen did as she was told. They stood side by side, crying quietly and rubbing their red bottoms.
When he came back, he unlocked the front door and let them out.
Karen was extremely cross with Anna.
"If we weren't in the street, I'd give your bottom another ten good smacks!"
Anna nodded: it was all her fault. She waved to Karen and walked home for a cold bath and plenty of cream on her bottom. She would be sleeping on her tummy that night.
Karen found her Vespa and sat very carefully on the seat. The pain was bad and she wriggled before starting up and driving home as fast as she could. Suddenly a thought came to her. She was doing the cancan this evening. Everyone would see her red bottom when she bent over and know that she had been spanked! Well...maybe she could cover it with make-up.
She danced in pain that night but the make-up did not work. Her red bottom was in full view every time that she bent over, which was often.
More embarrassment! What a day!