Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Group Effort

Another multi-troupe performance, with three different teams combining their talents for the Easter Fundraiser. In this surprisingly long demonstration (11.23 minutes), the girls put their differences aside to present a truly first-rate spectacle.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Better Late Than Never

The March Show featured some extremely saucy moves as the girls displayed their sleek, round bottoms to a most appreciative audience :)

There were also plenty of frilly, white girlie-pants on exhibition as the troupe revealed their sleek ivory thighs to all and sundry...

...not to mention the bright, pink garters worn by each of our demoiselles :)

Considering the roars of approval after each performance, it's easy to understand why pretty young girls love showing their knickers in public :)

Unfortunately, such pink-cheeked naughtiness could not go unpunished. Once the high kicks were finished, it was time for a good, smart spanking on the buns!

Of course, nobody gets off  "scott-free" once the tables are finally turned - let's face it; all of our
coquettes deserved a well-smacked bottom for their efforts!

Which brings us, of course, to the highly-anticipated grand finale:

One might describe it as the perfect "end" to a perfect show...though by the looks of things, at least one of our girls might beg to differ :D

Art and animation by TISA.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Panchira Shuffle Game


カップシャッフルならぬパンツシャッフル。 3人の女の子の内一人がピンクの水玉パンツを履いています。 スカートをたくし上げた後、幕の後ろでランダムに動くので、 水玉パンツの女の子を目で追いかけ、最終的にどの位置にいるか当ててみてください。皆で楽しく動体視力を鍛えましょう!

Remember the old shell games we used to play when we were kids? Well, this is the one we really wanted to see! In this instance, Anna, Ava and Rena are ready to take your money with a few rounds of Pants Shuffle! One of them is wearing pink polka-dot pantsu; after flipping their skirts, each circle randomly 'round behind a curtain, practically daring you to guess where the polka-dot knickers end up!

You can place your bets at TISA's Pixiv channel:

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Tirol Chocolate: The Update

September 2022: the Tirol Chocolate Company has released the latest update of their Legendary Commercial, and following established tradition, they've approached the Tricolor Angels to star in the remake. On this occasion, Anna, Ava and Sarah are doing the honors, following the movements of the original as closely as possible:

Art and Animation by TISA. The video may be viewed at (NSFW).