Tricolor Angels is a modern reworking of the ancient Greek myth of Orpheus. Following an encounter with the Demon Prince Lucian, two mortal women descend to The Temple of Hades, enduring numerous trials along the way. With the malevolent Lucian dogging their every step, Lillian and Avalon are forced to confronting their greatest fears, ultimately pleading their case before Pluto, merciless King of the Underworld.
Tricolor Angelsは、Lovecraftianのホラーと超自然的なサスペンスを組み合わせたオープンソースのビジュアルノベルで、ユーザーはソースコードをダウンロードして、CC-ZeroおよびCC-By-Sa 4.0で規定されているすべての無料ライセンス素材を修正できます。
Tricolor Angels is an open-source visual novel combining Lovecraftian horror with supernatural suspense.Users are free to download the source code and modify all free license material as stipulated under CC-Zero and CC-By -Sa 4.0.
Amazing art