Friday, August 30, 2019

Whirling Skirts

While we're on the subject of  dancing and whirling skirts, TISA and I came across an intriguing set of images (see below) during our travels around the web, apparently relating to an early Seventies variety show:

Anyway, we ran a couple of searches and managed to locate at least one online source. The photo(s) came from a Japanese twitter account devoted to fashions of the 1970s. The caption reads as follows:


Speaking for myself, I couldn't make head nor tail of the translation, other than the program's title being  "Daily Daisakusen". Fortunately, TISA had considerably more success deciphering the message:

As you say, this scene was broadcast on a program called "夜の大作戦". This is a viewer participation game. Viewers vote for one of the five dancers in advance, then one of the dancers shows her pants via the breeze. A free gift was sent to the viewers who voted for the dancers who played パンチラ

The name of this segment was "ショークリメ". "ショー" of "ショークリメ" is "show". "クリメ" is an expression  that reads "turning up" in Japanese. This name seems not to be used outside this program.

I think our Japanese compatriots were way ahead of the curve in this instance: if memory serves correct, there was nothing like this on UK TV back in the 1970s (though Spain and Italy might have mimicked the idea during the 80s). The "viewer participation" angle seems particularly ingenious from where I'm standing. Many thanks to TISA for solving this mystery.

Regards, FireCat.


  1. Hi, Fred.

    Thank you very much. I couldn't know the program without your information. I think your knowledge is really amazing!

  2. You're welcome, Tom. We couldn't have solved the mystery without your translations.

  3. Your art is so amazing thanks for doing tem
