Lily and others were discussing the costumes they can wear for their upcoming Cancan show, deciding whether to wear pink or blue outfits.
Anna says.
"The next outfit to wear is pink!"
Sarah also says.
"I prefer blue costumes"
Unusually, their opinions were different.
They don't want to give up their opinions.
Lily proposes to two people.
"OK, I have an idea. Let's dance Cancan with a pink outfit and a blue outfit, and let the audience choose which outfit is nice."
Anna and Sarah took the Lily proposal. Ava and Karen also found the game very interesting. They said they would participate in the game.
This proposal was not actually Lily's original. This was by Damien, a dance school sponsor. He was proposing this story to Lily as a way to boost the show. Lily adopted this idea, but Damien was thinking about something else ...
And the day came to dance Cancan. Before the dance began, Sarah and Karen wore blue costumes to appeal to the audience.
"Hey, if you vote for us, I'll HUG you ♥"
The game has already begun before the dance!
Ava and Anna have not lost. They went to the audience and showed their pink bottoms.
"If you vote for us, I'll show you more Bottoms!"
When the girls try to bribe Damien and the audience, Lily shakes her head in amused disbelief: "Karen, I never thought you'd try to bribe anyone. Anna, yes; but not you!" However, they laugh together, because they are such good friends.As a matter of fact, all of them think it is quite funny.
And the show started! Only Lily is wearing white and black costumes. Everyone will perform their best dance.
皆が踊っており最中、Damienは観客にささやきます。"あの金髪の少女じゃ素晴らしい!ダンスに美しい衣装、おそらくあの中で一番です。" 彼の言葉に誰もが同意します。
When the girls perform, Damien whispers to other people in the audience: "That blonde girl is amazing, isn't she? Excellent dancer, beautiful costume. Probably the best in the group." Everybody agrees, partly because Damien is a master manipulator, but mostly because he is right.
All five of them performed perfectly. The show is a great success. And voting finally begins...
When Sarah was waiting for the result, Anna suddenly stepped forward and showed her bottom!
"Everyone! Please vote for PINK!"
"Anna! That's unfair!"
Sarah rushed and showed her bottom.
"B-BLUE is more attractive!"
And the result came out. It was Lily's black-and-white costume that became the best, not pink or blue.
Everyone was surprised by this result.
In the end, Lily won the contest. But now, Lily has to fulfill the promise her friends made to the audience. Lily looks at Karen, Sarah and Anna: "Look what you've done this time. You're always getting me into trouble."
"This is absolutely strange! I didn't say I'd show my bottom or hug anyone!"
Still, Lily always keeps her word (even when someone else makes it for her).
After the show, Damien approaches the girls to congratulate them on a fine performance. Lily scolds him for giving her bad advice. "That was so embarrassing, Damien. Did you know this was going to happen?" Naturally Damien pretends to be completely innocent: "Me? How could I possibly know?"
Lilyはいいます。 "まぁ、いいわ。許してあげる." Lilyはこれ以上彼を責めませんでした。彼は一瞬の間、驚いた表情を浮かべ、すぐに笑顔に戻り、去っていきました。Lilyの言葉に何か重要な意味を見出したかのようでした。しかし、彼女たちは、彼の表情に変化にほとんど気づきませんでした。
Lily says "Don't worry about it. I forgive you." Lily did not blame him any more. Damien had a surprised expression for a moment, then immediately returned her smile and left. It seemed as if he'd found special significance in Lily's words. But they hardly noticed any change in his expression.
My personal favorite is pink thanks so much for making this one