Tuesday, September 3, 2019

A Story of the Cancan: Karen's Misstep

Our story begins one fine summer morning when Karen brought an unfamiliar outfit to the studio.

"Look at this. It was at my house. It was probably used by my mom or grandma."
The costume is a bit old, but is still usable. Everyone is also curious.
"This is cute! It seems to be useful for practice."
"I want to wear it too!"


They decided to dance in this costume at a nearby live house. Since there were only 3 costumes, Ava, Karen and Sarah decided to dance.


The start of the show! They turn their skirts and show the red Panty to the audience. High kick and Royal Flash. Use various techniques.

ショーの始まりです!彼女たちはスカートを翻し、赤いパンツを観客に見せつけます。ハイキックにRoyal Flash。様々な技を使います。

The biggest showcase came in the second half of the dance. Ava and Sarah perform the Royal Flash in turn and Karen does the handstand.
The cute parts of the girls are completely exposed.

ダンスの後半、最大の見せ場がやってきました。AvaとSarahが順番にRoyal Flashを行い、Karenが逆立ちをします。

Karen keeps the legs open and flutters. Her technique is top notch!


The incident happened when she stopped doing handstand and paused!
Because the costume was old, the yarn frayed and the skirt fell to the floor. Her lower body became fully visible. Laughter and applause occur from the audience seats.


Karen tries to cover her panties. She is so embarrassed!

Ava and Sarah also noticed. Ava laughs and Sarah blushes. But Karen continues to dance; after all, the show must go on, and she will never forget to smile!



Of course she will never forget to smile!

Eventually Karen completed her dance number! Karen thinks; "I have failed..." However, the audience applauded her hard work and Panty.

結局Karenは最後までダンスをやり遂げました!Karenは思います。"失敗しちゃった..." しかし、観客は彼女の頑張りとパンツに対し、大きな拍手を送りました。

1 comment:

  1. A show tan can bee seen on Mouline Rouge XD

    Love her smile thanks for doing this
